When you pay for something you expect not to be bothered by ads..well this isnt the case. I absolutely love this app and cant live without it but please do something about the ads or make it all free
When you pay for something you expect not to be bothered by ads..well this isnt the case. I absolutely love this app and cant live without it but please do something about the ads or make it all free
The alarm regularly goes off on days when I have disabled it. Today the White Noise Alarm (which makes a regular alarm-clock noise) went off even though I have never set that kind of alarm...and the app was completely off, not even running in the background! I can be sure that this is a bug in the app and not user error, because Ive become extremely careful about settng and disabling the alarm ever since the problem started. This ruins days when I need to catch up on sleep --please fix!